Der Fahrer hat uns pünktlich am Flughafen abgeholt, war sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit und hat uns schnell und sicher nach Hause gebracht.
08.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna Airport to LinzThe driver was very thoughtful and helpful and the car - a minivan - was clean and shiny. It was a very nice and comfortable trip to the hotel in the city center and we were delivered right to the front door. The driver took care of our luggage. It was also very easy to book and pay the drive via Internet and the confirmation was sent quickly.
02.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna Airport to ViennaDriver was very polite and efficient.
07.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna to BratislavaEinfache Buchung (online), pünktliche Abholung, freundliche und kompetente Fahrer
05.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna Airport to WienIt was an extremely good transfer, both ways. The driver friendly and the vehicles very good. An excellent service that served us well. Thank you.
02.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Graz Airport (GRZ) to GrazNothing to complain
05.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna Airport to BratislavaThe driver was already waiting when I came out, with a clear sign. He was very friendly and helpful, asking questions about how long I was staying and what I would be doing - he got me a map and made a lot of suggestions as well as giving me his card.
05.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna Airport to ViennaPünktlich, sauberes Fahrzeug und gutes Auftreten vom Chauffeur. Tel-Nr. vom Chauffeur wurde vorab per SMS mitgeteilt.
05.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna to EisenstadtThe driver was there at our agreed time and was professional and courteous.
04.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Vienna to Vienna AirportExcellent
02.09.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Mistelbach to Vienna AirportVery polite and friendly driver.Talkative and really professional
26.08.'18 | Taxi Transfer:From Graz Airport (GRZ) to Gornja Radgona